Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Todays wish: That I could live in Hawaii with all of my best friends.  Ok so it's a cop out of a wish, but I wanted to share my Hawaii pictures.  If you read my friends blogs, then you already know that most of us went to Hawaii for Sarah's wedding.  It was fabulous!

Sarah looked AMAZING, and her wedding was beautiful.  We saw sea turtles, went to the beach every day, went to Pearl Harbor and the Polynesian Cultural Center.  I loved every second of it!

Enjoy the pics. Yes that is a pink dog... alive.


  1. I wish we could all live there too girl :) And eat Ono salad all day long, every single day!

  2. Cute pics! You and Phil are darling! I wish I was there SO BAD. Oh well:( Love you!

  3. I got married in Hawaii and that place is simply amazing!!
