Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wishing Well

I understand that my last posting wasn't even in the year 2009. Therefore, I have decided to take my blog in a new direction. I now have a purpose to my postings, that will hopefully get me to post more frequently. It's called Wishing Well. Every post will discuss a new wish. They can be about anything; consumerism, spirituality, politics, relationships, etc. I'm sure some may be petty and materialistic, but hopefully somewhere there will be a nugget of enlightenment and self improvement.

Today's wish: I wish a little cleaning/organization fairy would bestow her knowledge and motivation on me.

Notice, I didn't say "come clean and organize my home for me". I get much more satisfaction and appreciation if I do it myself. What I want is her knowledge. I want that basic instinctual reaction of "a place for everything, and everything in it's place". Oh how happy I would be if that motto could manifest itself in my home.

The second part of the wish is motivation. Do you ever have those days when you start cleaning, and you physically can't stop until every blind is dusted, and every crack has been run through with a toothpick? I have. But who has the time to clean that thoroughly as often as it needs it? Ok, I'll be honest, I probably haven't had as many of those obsessive deep cleaning days in my life as I should. I am not a dirty person, but clutter seems to be mortal enemy. I would like to have the motivation to perform one of those deep cleaning sessions once a week. However, if I had that motivation, my home probably wouldn't need to be deep cleaned quite as often.

As I sit here typing away about wishing for organization, I am looking around my living room / office / dining room on the verge of screaming! Oh little fairy... Where are you?


  1. Oh girl, I love the wishing well!!!! This is where we are different. I wish that little fairy would come over to my house and do it all :)
    Thanks for dinner. I love you!

  2. I'm excited to see you new posts. Keep it up! I love hearing your thoughts and what you're up to:)
